Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are one of the most popular facial aesthetic treatments. In this process a gel-based filler is injected into the skin. They are specially designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, contour the face and create volume. It also helps in revitalising the skin.
What Sets us Apart to other Practices
Benefits of Dermal Fillers:
- Treatment is quick and the results are immediate,
- There is no recovery time with minimal side-effects.
- Long lasting effect. In most cases the skin looks youthful for one year, however touch-ups are recommended every 4-6 months.
- Fills out depressions and dark circles under the eye.
- Helps in minimizing the appearance of scars.
- Plumps thin lips and softens out wrinkles around the mouth.
- Can boost your collagen levels to make the skin look plumper.

How Does Dermal Fillers Work?
The base of dermal fillers is Hyaluronic acid, which is a sugar molecule. It is a substance that exists naturally within our bodies. Hyaluronic acid helps in transporting the nutrients within the body and regulates the skin’s water balance. So when dermal fillers are injected, it increases the supply of hyaluronic acid in the skin instantly. This revitalises and adds volume to the skin, reduces the wrinkles and lines immediately giving a softer natural look.
Dr. Kanowitz offers extensive expertise in the area of facial restoration. During the consultation, your skincare goal will be discussed and evaluated to prepare a customized treatment plan. You cannot stop the aging process but we can help achieve natural-looking skin with dermal fillers, so you feel confident and beautiful.
The Procedure
After the initial consultation with Dr Kanowitz, there are four steps to complete the process.
Step 1: Facial Assessment and Mapping
Once the decision for injecting dermal fillers is taken, Dr Kanowitz will evaluate your face. This involves analysing your facial appearance, skin tone and the areas that need to be augmented. On your face, strategic points will be marked where the fillers will be injected.
Step 2: Cleaning and Anaesthetising
With an antibacterial agent, areas marked for injection are then cleaned. To reduce the pain from the injections, the areas may be numbed. This can be done by chilling the skin with a cold instrument whilst local anaesthesia can be administered or anaesthetic ointment can be applied.
This is not a painless process, but the injections can be tolerated.
Step 3: The Injection
For each site, the injection takes only a few moments. The process involves injecting the fillers, massaging the site and then evaluating the result. If required, additional fillers can be injected. This step can take between 15 minutes and an hour; depending on the number of sites in which fillers need to be injected.
Step 4: Clean up and Recovery
When the results are to your liking, the markings will be cleaned off and an ice pack will be given to alleviate any discomfort, pain and swelling. However, your face will feel a bit tender for a couple of days, medication may help alleviate the pain.

“There is always a risk for any surgical or invasive procedure. Hence, before proceeding, we recommend you to seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.”